Saturday, January 31, 2009


I am doing this post for everyone that makes quilts for returning injured military people. I came across this letter from the mother of a soldier that was injured in Iraq. I thought you should know how much what you do is appreciated.

I can tell you that these quilts for returning injured soldiers is
such a great thing.My son was an injured soldier who returned to
Fort Carson after being injured in Iraq. His quilt is a treasure to
him - and a comfort you would never imagine.

It isn't a quick trip back to the States and isn't a real comfortable
one either. My son was in a tent hospital in Iraq for 5 days before
being air lifted to Germany. There he got to wait for a flight home -
he was injured but not as seriously as many others and so he got
only basic medical care. The lack of care left him with disabilities
he wouldn't have had otherwise but he has never complained about
that - he knows that others were so much worse off.

Once he started his flight home he was on a stretcher surrounded by
others in the same condition. This isn't a 1st class way to fly by
any stretch - the only thing he really says about it is that he was
glad the nurses on the flight also had good meds.

He spent a couple of days at Walter Reed where again - basic care was
given but that was all. He then hip hopped his way across the
country to Colorado. Each leg of the flight ended with a night stay
in yet another military hospital. This was probably the most
encouraging for him though. At each stop they gave these young
soldiers gifts from the communities surrounding the base or post.
He was given new T-shirts with some logo of a local event or school -
but it was clean. They provided them with treats and things to make
their one night stay on the next day as nice as possible - and then
off again with a sack lunch.

He says at each stop as they were taken into the hospital the base
commander was there to great them and thank them for their service.
But none was a wonderful as when his own base commander was there
when he finally got to Fort Carson. I like to think that my being
there to greet him was even better but I have to remember he is a

He finally was home to his post where he was able to get the surgery
he needed and begin a long road to recovery that continues today. He
will never be able to run again but he is alive and doing well. I
complain about it far more than he does.

But, when he was taken to his room at Evan's Army Hospital and
covered with a Red, White, and Blue hand made quilt he said that it
felt like a big hug. Having grown up in a home where mom quilted and
created other items he knew what it took to make him that quilt. If
you promise not to tell him, I will tell you he shed more than one
tear over the joy and comfort that quilt brought him. It was
something I will never forget because my son doesn't cry or show
emotions much.

I have donated quilts to Fort Carson since then and every one I
package and send off it is like I am able to wrap my arms around a
man or woman who gave more than anyone should have to give. I know
that some give even more - but for these young people I can give

If you give you will be so happy you did.


Friday, January 30, 2009

My daughter and I went to see a movie called "New in Town". It was just a fun movie, no deep meaning. It was about a Miami exective (woman) that was sent to Minnesota in the middle of winter to set in motion a factory closing in a small town. My favorite line of the movie was "Folks around these parts freeze to death all the time. Especially the stupid ones. I kind of look at it as thinning the herd." Actually, the best part of the movie was the awesome log cabin quilt that was on her bed.

I'm going to a bridal fair with my daughter tomorrow. Oh boy, I can hardly wait...

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I definitely would have picked this little guy to start with. As it stands right now, I think his name is Jonas. Named after the one of the characters in the TV show "The Unit".
I'm so glad that the day is over, and I have off the next 3 days. Unfortunately I have to drive all of the way back because I left my purse locked in my desk. I was carrying a bag with my shoes, and didn't think about not having my purse. ugh.
Tomorrow, I have to stick around because I'm waiting for Fed Ex to deliver a quilt. Hopefully they will show up early, because they kind of come whenever they feel like it. Unlike UPS, that comes around the same time every day. I have lots to show you, so check back if you get a chance.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


My daughter called me to tell me that the puppy she chose got suddenly sick and died. She is upset, and I feel bad to. The breeder has another male and female that have not found a home. So maybe she will be picking one of those.
I used to breed Shetland Sheepdogs, and I know how heartbreaking it is to lose a puppy. But it is better for it to happen now, than after my daughter had him long enough to love him.

Just thought I would pop in and let you know.

We got a foot of snow last night. But I managed to make it to work on time at 6am. I should have called off work like everyone else. The bed was very warm.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

On Sunday, I got my two design walls up. For a couple of days, I have been wondering if I should have just gone with the one on the right. I didn't like seeing the one on the left while sitting at my machine. But today I stuck some orphan blocks up on it, trying to figure out something to make to cover my fabric shelves. I guess it will be okay.

I don't think I ever showed this quilt to you. I don't have anywhere to hold it up so you can get a full view, but this is a "Scottish Chain". At least that's what my friend told me it was called. My friend Susan made this quilt for me. It has a photo of my husband and I in the middle. One of those old tin type photos taken at a theme park just before we were married.
I just want to say how much I LOVE these 3M hooks. They are removeable, and don't leave a mark. I was going to have my husband make peg boards to hang things on. I have ended up buying a bunch of different kinds of hooks instead. I am using them for many things. Once I get more situated (clean) in here, I will take more photos..
Not much going on here. I have had my jury duty postponed for another week. Hopefully, next week will be the last. Either they want me or they don't. I'm just as glad, there is supposed to be a big snowstorm tonight.
Hoping for Spring...

Sunday, January 25, 2009


This is my new Alaskan Grandpuppy. Right now his name is Oreo. That is what the breeder calls him. He will be old enough to go home with my daughter in a couple of weeks. He's a little Shih Tzu. Isn't he sweet? Any name suggestions that I can pass on to my daughter? I am fond of giving my dogs people names.

Friday, January 23, 2009


It must have been an odd sight for others in the movie theater lobby when the kid behind the consession counter high fived me. He asked me what I was going to see (Slumdog Millionaire- best movie that I've seen in a LONG time) And we were talking about the Oscar nods, and he said he couldn't believe that Dark Knight was nominated. Anyway, somehow we got on the subject of science fiction, and I mentioned just coming across the short lived TV show 'FireFly"on HULU they have all 12 (I think) episodes posted, and I fell it love with the show. The consession kid got excited which merited the high five. So at least I have this one aspect of my life in common with teenage boys. I have recently thought that I must have a male dominant movie going gene.

I started a pair of worsted weight socks. I have never made them before, but I think they will knit up quickly. If anyone knows of a washable worsted/Aran weight wool yarn that has a little nylon it it, which would be good for socks, could you please email me with a brand?

I am spending the weekend in my studio, I can't wait.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I hope one day to actually get to all of the fabric that I keep finding. Here is a big tub of pinks and browns for a project... I named it already, because the sticker is on the side, so I will have to actually have to find the blocks that went with my vision. I know that they are finished and in a different place. Wish me luck!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


My future son in law is visiting, and that made it possible for my machine to finally be brought up to my studio. Now that everything I need is here, I can finally get organized.


When I first got everything going for this pickle dish, I must have followed someone's advice and I did the 'needle punch foundations.I took the original and sewed through a stack of what I think is some sort of deli paper.
This was before EQ. Now I would have printed them all. But actually it works out great because this paper is going to be uber easy to tear off.

I was planning to go to the movies today, but since it it snowing a LOT, I don't know. At some point we have to go out and plow the driveway again, for that lovely treck into work in the morning. In the meantime, I might as well sew on these easy blocks..

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I gave all of my thirties reproductions to someone a long time ago. But yesterday, I was hoping to find some solid green like the green in this project, so I dug it out. I cut all of the fabrics and put together a 'kit' for this pickle dish almost 10 years ago when I actually liked thirties reproductions. They aren't too bad. I thought that since I had everything here, I might as well start piecing. One of my girls would probably love to have it.

Friday, January 16, 2009


The first block I got is my friend Georgia's. I got out my special tool for small blocks. I have already laid it down and had to look for it twice. It's really cute and I have many ideas already. I am going to be good and I am going to start on it today. Although you wouldn't think it is a challenge to put a border on a 2" block... it is.

Do you think a 6" border would be tacky? ;)


My friend Susan always calls her construction of quilts 'Half-Assed'. Of course, she's wrong. She makes big lovely quilts. I am going to show her what half -assed REALLY looks like. I have had 3 months to construct a center block for a miniature quilt round robin that my small quilt group is doing. But of course, I wait until 3 days before I need it to start. I get this idea to make a miniature lone star. I would make this one " big", 1" finished diamonds. I've made smaller before, and although they were difficult, I managed and they turned out fine.

Note to self: you can't make a miniature lone star in a few hours
Well, you can make it, but it will be half-assed. So, now what to do? I have 3 or 4 hours, I can make a compass
I did make it.. and it is also half -assed. I thought to myself.. "self, the surrounding block is supposed to be 4 1/2 inches unfinished. Let's make it easier on the next person and make the block a little bigger." So I cut a block 1" bigger (5 1/2"), and proceeded to stitch it down off center. Well, at least she will have that 1/4" seam on one edge. Then as I look at it, pissed off, I see that I stitched the block down cock-eyed, as the yellow spires should be pointing north, south, east, west.
After this debacle, it is amusing to me to know that I have a miniature quilt in a museum.

Haste + miniature quilting = half-assed.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Well, my holiday guests are gone, and I'm snowed in. So, I am watching my BAND OF BROTHERS dvd's. My husband gave them to me on my last birthday, and I have never got a chance to sit down to watch them. I have seen some of the shows when they will have a marathon around a National holiday (Memorial Day, July 4th) but I have never watched them all in sequence.

I am also spending the day organizing my studio . I have started bringing up my containers of fabric and putting them on my shelves. Debra thinks I should keep everything in the containers, which has worked out great for the past 7 or 8 years, but since I have never tried storing my fabric this way, I still want to give it a try. Otherwise, my fabric will have to be kept in another area of the house because I don't have the space up here (without more shelves) to keep my fabric.

The reds were in three 16 x 11 x 6" containers and wound up actually taking up a space of 10x8x6". there are a couple of stacks of small pieces on the shelf above. I probably will end up returning those to containers. Don't be surprised. I have probably way more fabrics that could go with this. I have this cabinet in the basement filled with batiks

I use this filing cabinet to store all of my batiks and hand dyes. It is almost fullThere is another just like it that has silks and fabric for dyeing. And I think there is Haloween fabrics, etc.

Cutting Area

The two left hand drawers of this are stuffed with flannel. I need to find or empty out another container to put these fabrics in so that my friend can come and get this whole thing.

Like I said, I have fabric shoved into nooks and crannies all over the studio area of my basement. Yeah, I think I should stay snowed in for a couple of years. Because once I have everything in one place, I know that I will be disgusted with myself enough to not set foot in a fabric selling store for a LONG time.

I'm starting on my blues next. I am not even a big fan of blue and I have 3 containers!

Sunday, January 04, 2009


I have been thinking about what I want to do in my studio once I can get to anything.
My daughter has done a little shopping on her visit. Hopefully, the next time she visits I will have a proper bed set up in another part of the house for her and her husband.

Anyway, I have been thinking about how I want to store my fabric. When in my basement room I stored it like this:
Stash Corner
This has worked fine for me, but I don't really know what red fabrics I have, I have to pull each one of the containers out and sort through it. I thought that it would be so much better if I could see it. I worry about putting it on a shelf without protection though. It will get dusty, and be exposed to light which will fade it. I could always USE it.. okay, one step at a time please..
So I came up with an idea. I can fold the fabric and put it on the shelf
I don't want to cover my windows, that would just darken the room, and I might as well be in the basement. So I came up with a plan to use my orphan blocks. Sew them to make little 'quilts' that I can make the same size as the opening of my shelves. I can use velcro to attach the 'quilt' which can be removed when I need to look at my fabric. Problems solved.. a use for orphaned blocks, natural light in my studio, decoration with 'quilts' and my fabric will be protected from dust and the light will be filtered and the fabric will be protected until I use it.

Now, if I could just get to the shelf....

Friday, January 02, 2009


I will write more later, but one of my goals for this year is to get this shawl done by June. Every month around the first, I will post a photo of my progress. What a challenge. Like knitting with thread.