Saturday, December 16, 2006


Thank goodness. My first day off since the 8th. I worked over 90 hours this pay period. Over 70 of them were this week. So today I did some Christmas shopping FOR MYSELF! Yesterday, was still offering free shipping. I ordered Sally Collins new book.
I also ordered a new book by Karen McTavish
Then, as a lark I did a search on the site for a swift. And guess what? Winding balls of yarn from a hank of yarn wrapped around a laudry basket are a thing of the past. I will now have a swift and a ball winder.

I went out today to get some gift cards and I had some coupons for Borders, Barnes and Noble, and Joanne's. Then I called my friend who just returned from a trip to Germany. She invited me to come with her to a local quilt shop that was going out of business.
At Barnes and Noble I found a book on the history of Fashion. It is full of great photos of clothing from past centuries. I especially like the iron corset. I got the book Knit Two Together which has some patterns that I really like and actually have the double person sweater pattern..
At Barnes and Noble I bought the book One Skein Wonders.
When Nancy and I went to the quilt shop, I got yarn of all things. Alpaca, an angora/wool mix and a worsted wool. I got a sweater pattern, and a mitten pattern.
But my favorite thing was this

It had "Chico" stamped on it. It is a wooden flat guy or girl.. kinda hard to tell. The best part is that I only paid $10.00 for it!! I haven't decided what I will do with it yet, maybe paint it or decopage it with fabric pieces.. maybe nothing. It is taller than me and has flat jointed legs. I think that the nubby hands have to go.. kinda creepy. Maybe I will have to make some wooden hands for it using my hands as a pattern.

So that is how I spent my day. I rented Talladega Nights, and The Devil wears Prada. I didn't see either in the theater. Going to the Will Smith movie tomorrow. Or maybe Eragon.. haven't decided yet. Have a good week!!


Rian said...

That Precision Piecing will come in handy for your miniatures! Let me know how you like the new McTavish book.

Judy said...

I would love to have both of those books! Let us know how yuo like them.

Judy L.

Jo Raines said...

Yep, got to get the Sally Collins book! Her work is incredible! Yes, what will you do with Flat One?! haha.

Shelina said...

Oh my goodness, I can't believe I was just thinking yesterday that I need something like that wooden person you have! I was taking a photo of a tshirt to sell on ebay and wanted an anonymous model. That's so funny, I didn't even know they existed until now! You got it for a great price.