Sunday, April 10, 2011


Sorry folks, I've not dropped off of the face of the earth.  I have spent so much time recently doing sewing days with friends that I have actually been doing things besides sitting in front of the computer.  I'm trying to finish things up and I will post them as I go along.
I made this for Easter.  I still have to hand sew the binding.  Have you ever made something thinking that you will love it only to finish it and go blech?  Pretty much the way I feel about this. 

I have been streaming The Dexter Series first two seasons on Netflix. I read that Showtime was going to yank the series from Netflix so I wanted to see it. Sad to say that I actually like it.  Lots of twists and turns.  It is violent and bloody though, but the way they do it is less disturbing than I find Criminal Minds on regular TV.

Some of my friends decided to go to the IQA show in Cincinnati.  I had planned on going but I decided to save the money and sit it out.  The same with Paducah.  I sold my last reservation for a cabin to my other friend.  I would love to go, but things are so busy at work, and it just costs so much to attend these shows, especially when gas is so expensive.  And I would juts spend money at the vendors on stuff that I don't have room for.  I am committed to finishing up things and using what I already have available in my vast stash.

So, it is a beautiful day.  It is already over 70 a first in it seems forever.  I am sewing in sunlight and a nice breeze.

Please pardon my absences I will check in more often.  Since I have given up discussing politics, it seems that I have nothing to say.  I have taken to heart my mother's advice "If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything at all". 

Have a sunny day!!!


marlene@ByTheSeam said...

This is the first time I have been on in several days too. I have been busy finishing up some projects as well. I do like the bunny and I know what you mean I have had some quilts that were oh so nice while making them and then blah they just didn't have the same appeal when done. So your not alone there.

~Niki~ said...

YES~I just did that recently with a full size quilt top for my son's graduation. I hate it. So I ended up donating it yesterday. I might regret it down the line, but it was awful. I wanted a nice scrappy quilt. turned out crappy, not scrappy LOL.