Sunday, January 02, 2011


In case you haven't noticed, I have a habit of  getting distracted with other projects before finishing up on the last one.
I got tired of looking at this falling off of my design wall, so I made it my point in life to sew the rows together.  It took a whole couple of hours.


Cropped too close on the corners which have 4 spools or Bowties.. I'm going with bowties. I misplaced the pieces for the full size blocks which I found after I pieced the small ones with leftover scraps.
I ordered backing fabric from Hancocks of Paducah.. I really dislike piecing the back.
It is a batik, I love batiks, but it is easier to quilt if only one side is a batik. I think this will be perfect.
I am really going to make it a point to get some long thought of projects done this year.  I am going to think of it like I do my knitting.  I am going to start a project and work on it until it is done.
We will see how that goes and you can watch me succeed or fail at it.  I set up an album in my webshots to keep track of my progress.
Have a good day!  I am SO GLAD the holidays are behind us!

1 comment:

marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I am so glad the Holidays are over with too, now my hubby can have a day off, he has worked them both and as of tonight 17 nights in a row without any time off.

Your quilt looks great, I like your backing for it.