Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Being the only one at work that has a good grasp on using the computer, they recently termed me the office "Computer Nerd". I said, there is no way a fifty something woman would fit into the mold of a computer nerd. And I was told that the first step was acceptance. Well, according to my son I was right. Since he IS a computer nerd he should know, I guess. He told me.. knowing WINDOWS (said with distain) doesn't make you a computer nerd. Well he has a point. I flail at HTML.. which is why I don't have one of the links in my margins. I deleted it somehow. But.. here it comes.... I bought a 60 gig (THAT'S computer lingo) external hard drive. It will hold 24,000 5 megapixel photos... I don't have quite that many.. In otherwords, I will be able to back up my second hard drive where I store all of my important files. Actually I told Bill that he bought it for me for Christmas. I wanted a one gig flash drive for my work files.. okay, I have a flash drive that is plenty big.. but the 1 gig is so little and so cute.. I think my son turned me into a 50's version of a nerd. I mean.. after the second viewing (I didn't get it the first time around) of Lord of the Rings -Fellowship, I became a fanatic about the movie.. no, I didn't dress up like a hobbit for any of the movies.. didn't camp out for tickets.. but I named my short hairy dog Sam.. does that count? My new miniature pineapple has been named "There and Back Again" because it has taken me so flippin long to finish it that I, like Frodo, have despaired that I might never see the end of my mission... Oh geeze.. that statement was kind of on the nerdy side wasn't it?
Well off to redeem myself, I am going upstairs to watch Christmas with the Kranks with Meg.


Rian said...

Hey Teri, I'm a female in my 50s and I'm a wonk (aka computer nerd) and proud of it. I had a computer (PC clone, dual floppy drive, and I mean the big floppies, oh yeah) back in the early 80s. I guess that would be a quarter of a century ago...sigh...I'm going to go have second breakfast now.

Teri said...

Hi Rian,
Oh yeah.. I remember the floppys that really were floppy.. Remember the great big ones? 8"?
Second Breakfast huh? LOTR fan yourself I see.... ;)

Debra Dixon said...

One time I asked my former husband, "What do you really do? (meaning at work)" He said, "I'm the nerd the nerds come to for help!" He learned computers when they filled entire floors of buildings and had stacks of cards to program. Let's see. . .that would be 1970s!