Sunday, February 04, 2007


You know it's cold out when I passed up a 40% off sale on all yarns at my favorite quilt/yarn shop. That and my goal to save money this year, which I'm surprised that I actually stuck to. I will admit that if it was 50 degrees instead of 12 degrees, I probably would have been there when the doors opened.
But on the positive side.. I saved money, and I actually turned on my sewing machine to make the ribbons for our first guild challenge of the year. It is called "On the Contrary" and is a challenge using a "contrary wife" block. I planned the 4 challenges this year, and I didn't get anything made.. except for the ribbons. I'm really pleased how they turned out. I came to my senses before I actually pieced tiny blocks for the center of each ribbon. I ended up fusing and quilting them.. good enough. I would be happy to win one.. if I had anything made for the challenge! I do have to go out at some point. We're out of dog food. I probably should go out and start my car. It isn't good to let it sit when it is this cold.
Who knows, maybe I will actually start something else in the meantime!


Shelina said...

Teri, these ribbons are gorgeous! What a perfect prize for the winning quilters. I hadn't ever thought of quilted ribbons before. It is a super idea.

Rian said...

Very clever "contrary" ribbons.

And kudos on saving money--feels good, huh.

Debra Dixon said...

Those are great looking ribbons--even look like flowers!

Heidi said...

your bows are very nice! what a great idea to incorporate a block into them like that!

laura west kong said...

Marvelous ribbons, any quilter would be lucky to receive such a special one.