Saturday, February 28, 2009


I hope that everyone is having a great weekend so far. Let's see, I am still folding fabric, and I have some projects to work on. It is a never ending winter here. I wanted to go out to a quilt show on the east side, but I doubt I can find anyone to go with me at this late date. In the past, I wouldn't have thought anything of jumping in the car to go by myself, but, I guess it just isn't that important to me right now.
Yesterday, my daughter and I spent the day together. We usually go to the movies, but there wasn't anything out. So we did some errands, went to lunch, and rented a couple of movies. Body of Evidence (I think) and Miracle at St. Anna. The first was okay, it had Leo DiCapprio and Russell Crowe, about a CIA operative on the ground in the middle east. The other was a story about a group of black soldiers in Italy in WWII which was very long, and fairly boring, and if Meg hadn't looked interested, I would have popped it out of the DVD. I'm still not entirely sure what the point of the movie was.
So now I'm trying to decide if I should get out in the cold and do groceries now, or wait. If I don't do it now, I won't do it at all. Darn. I have to get dressed.
I will check back if I do anything interesting!

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