Saturday, November 07, 2009


Christmas trees at Lowes. I guess these are for those of us who dream of palm trees at Christmas time, instead of the reality of snow up to our arses..
Hey Ralphie, look what I found at Harbor Freight and Tools. I don't think it had a compass in the stock, but I didn't take a close look..
For any of you that paid $20.00 for one of these suction cup handles to use with your rulers. They may not be the pretty girly colors, but they are only 6 bucks. Also at Harbor Freight and Tools along with
These little suction cup handles. Nice for little rulers and not 13 or 14 dollars.
This is the case of homemade dog cookies that I am confronted with when I take my dog to the groomer. They smell great, and, actually, I brought Sam a "cupcake" with sprinkles for his birthday. It was a kind of soft cookie. Okay, yes, I did taste it.. tasted like shortbread, with less sugar.. Sam being true to form would only eat it if he thought it was mine..

Have a good Saturday, I'm off to run some more errands!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

LoL you tasted the cupcake? Mommy that is hilarious!! (Oh my neighbor thinks it's weird I called you Mommy on the phone) but anyways I love the palm trees :-) I can't wait to buy mine and Drew's Christmas tree!!