Sunday, January 29, 2006


Last night I was cleaning off the big area on my sewing table so I could quilt a UFO that has been basted and folded for a year.. at least. I came across a box with pre cut and partially sewn squares . I figured that it would be really easy to finish, so I started chain piecing until I ran out of bobbin thread. Then I went to bed. I pieced a few blocks together and even as I look at the picture, I can see that I didn't even do that right. And I didn't even notice it until now. There must be a trick to all of this. The pattern directions aren't very explicit. Now I have to make sure that I sew the blocks together correctly.. I wasn't planning on having to think.. darn! I should have made it in mulitple colors, then it wouldn't have been hard to assemble. I do still like making 'utility quilts', I like to wrap up in a quilt on the couch on a cold evening. I still have kids and a husband that like "Useable" quilts. Someone else can quilt this puppy. I'm not proud.

It was a beautiful day here yesterday. Bill and I went to Amishland. I bought some blacks at Miller's Dry Goods. We ate at Mrs. Yoders. It was over 50 degrees and sunny. I only had to wear a sweater. It was wonderful. Today it is cold windy and rainy, just like my friend Gail in Illinois said the weather was like there yesterday. Thanks Gail.. you were right.

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